Author: brianwalch

Pine Ridge Vertical Tasting

“I like how wine continues to evolve, like if I opened a bottle of wine today it would taste different than if I’d opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine...

Summer fun

This has been an epic Alaska summer – warm sunny days, relaxing evenings, and overworked days. Yes, nothing ever works out perfectly. For work, I’ve taken on some additional responsibilities which has required me...

Willamette Valley Day Trip Report

Mrs. AGN and I took our girls on a visit to Portland and spent a day down in the wine country of Willamette Valley, an AVA that spreads from Portland down to Eugene. There...

Alaska and wine

They say that good Pinot Noir under $20 is hard to find. Who are “they”? I just finished a glass of an $18 McKinlay Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley and it was perfect....

French wine from Wine Styles

Pont d’Avignon 2004 from Cote de Rhone Part of Wine Styles March tastings. Excellent wine!!! Will buy more of this.Very smooth. Not as dry as alot of French wines with a hint of fruit....

A Forgotten Wine and a New Italian Taste

Our trips out to dinner have been few and far between the last several months but last Saturday we ventured out to Ste 100. While waiting for our table we sat in the bar...

Wine Moments

Have you had a wine moment? You know, a memory of wine shared at a time; or, a point when you understood something about wine; an experience that changed your views, even slightly. At...

Wine Styles Part Duex

Just a quick update on my thoughts on wine clubs and particularly the local Wine Styles one here in Anchorage. When I first joined I thought I’d keep it for a few month, get...

AGN Lite: Red and White

This evening was a combo event – German Riesling and American Cabernet Sauvignon. We invited many of our friends from the kids school and had a house full of kids and adults. The German...