Friday, March 26, 2004 was a good day. Today you ate a lot, smiled and laughed a lot, and seemed to grow more secure. I sure this will seem trivial when you read it, but we had a lot of fun getting to know you today. Some of the things you like to do are clap, shake your head, and pound things together. You really like to walk holding my hand, too. And, you like blowing ‘raspberries’ or putting your fingers in my mouth to get me to make sounds.
I can’t wait for you to get home and meet your brothers, aunts, and grandma. I am so proud of you, Jenna!
While on this trip I also fall more in love with China, and especially with the people. There are a very hard working people, yet patient and gentle. We get many kind looks when out and about – the Chinese love kids! Jenna, I look forward to going to bed so I can sleep quickly, wake up, and play with you some more. I love you, daughter!