Needing to Recognize
I’m not naturally a good encourager, and I wouldn’t say that I appreciate recognition. But, some things have happened lately that are giving me significant motivation to change that.
I had a colleague share a couple example of 2 things where people recognized her work… small things, but you could hear in her story how much it meant to her. Then, my kid’s friend was over the other night and they talked about how their coach isn’t very encouraging, and how they self-talk encouragement to themselves, wishing it was what the coach might say.
One was an example of exactly who I don’t want to be (anti-encourager) … the other, is an example of someone I do want to be… to my kids, my friends, my colleagues, my wife, and even to strangers. I truly believe that people feeling good about themselves will make a difference in the world! But, I write this feeling like a hypocrite or a phony, so I write it to myself, of who I want to be, through all aspects of my life.
Do things that make people feel better about themselves. Personally, professionally, and in all situations. Live doing that, and I think I’ll feel better about myself. That’s Life. Integrated.